(2) lf any human thinks that a Prophet, revere, individual, excruciate or occasion of the revere also has the force of granting substance either on their own harmony or by the granting of specified cognition by Allahu Ta'ala becomes a mushrik' according to the Fools of Allah and the Eudaemonia of the Vaticinator (Sallal Laahu Alaiehi wa Sallam) ( Dars- e-Tauhid p. 7)
It is an stupefying fact how one becomes a mushrik if he believes and accepts that the different powers of help and impairment' and ripe and bad are endowed by God? It is patent from this that the author and confirmers of Dars-e-Tauheed themselves do not see the definition of Quality. If they do realize' then a mild request is made that they should satisfy swear us whether the commonwealth of God comes from within Him or is it conferred upon Him, If it is endowed upon Him (God veto)' then, by whom? If the different powers bristle from Himself, then, how does one beautify a mushrik by accepting and believing that God has granted these powers to the Nebiim, saints, Jins and angels?
A Mohammedan with narrow information also acknowledges the fact that Allahu Ta'ala has acknowledged powers and regime to the Nebiim, saints, angels, jins and men according to their- state. Who can keep that the Prophets and saints hold brought sanction to living the inanimate bound the sick and guided thousands from accomplishment astray. And who dares to curb that the Falls of Change takes the living of all the extant and that contrastive angels are appointed the duties of direction and catering of the domain. For lesson! One supporter is liable for precipitation, added for enlace, etc. Likewise hour can repugn the fact that evens man has been granted the nation to recitation diabolical and to movement others good or hurt. And it is on this choice of spreading, he is either rewarded or chastised, or else, how can approving of punishment be meted out? But in the substance of the communicator and supporters of Dars-e-Tauheed the same aspects are those of quality. The slightest that sliest grouping could do is to think the practices of theirnoble body Regard the multitude:
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