Islam came from Saudi Arabia, a country where the girls were buried immediately after birth and women who have had the courage to create a child was for the most part been driven from their homes, had seen their husbands to accompany other women in their homes finally produces a male child. The women did not have the right to education rather than fixed, and was seen as the property of their fathers and then of her husband. The motto was simple: Be happy that allow me to live at all. When Islam was introduced to Saudi Arabia, the Koran (which translated means: prayer) has become a revolutionary rulebook. It only talks about believing in God and how to appreciate nature, but also talked about family law on wills and estates, and about women.
Many may be surprised to hear that Islam is the religion of the first world, devoting a chapter (of course) for women (4 course, Nessah). He speaks of giving girls the right to live, and parents who buried their children to fear the Day of Judgement, because these girls want to know why he had to die because of their gender. He continues in women in marriage, and also talks about the divorce. Unlike most other religions, Islam gives women the right to seek divorce for many reasons (one of them is that if the husband does not pay attention to their sex).It continues with women's rights after divorce, indicating that no man should abuse his ex-wife, if he should remove their children, mostly, they are still supported by it. He must give her dowry and make sure it is fixed. [[4.4] And give women their dowries as a free gift, but if they of themselves be pleased to give you a part of it, then eat with joy and a balanced outcome. Having said all this, I can imagine that someone asks if religion is so modern, why women in Islamic countries are treated so badly?
Able to answer this question, I'll give you a little 'history of Islam in history: As I said earlier, before Islam, women had virtually no rights. And as you read the rules of Islam, now, we do not have to look at them today, perhaps the Western point of view, but especially the eyes, women 1400 years ago. Let me give you an example: the Islamic rules show that the legal situation, which would require two witnesses, women who would have been less of a male witness. I must admit, for the first time I read the Koran, I was outraged! What does it mean? Women are worth half a man? The answer is no! Put yourself in the same position of Arab women in 600 BC: You had no rights before Islam, and now you can also become a witness. Now, what do you think? Or on other samples: have not been able to stay in your house, if your husband decided to leave you, and now must make sure that you are doing well after a divorce. See the difference?
Another question people often ask me hijab. Hijab: coverage in Arabic. I have done much research on this, since the Islamic revolution, which requires (literally from one day to another), women must wear a scarf on her head and a long coat and a veil (chador) . I could not understand why women must cover themselves, so that men could walk anyway they wanted. Although nowhere in the Koran says that women must wear burkas or cover their heads, I found a historical explanation: The head cover was originally for the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, or no other female related to Bani Hashem Family and strain Quaraish (Of Surnames did not exist at that time in history, people have used their tribal names to indicate where they belonged.). Originally this coverage was to distinguish between women groups are higher and the working class women.
Similar to the difference between women in the northern United States and the Southern States: Southern women, who had slaves working for them on farms, are not supposed to have tanned skin, because it would show working out.Here it was supposed to show the cleanliness of a woman cover her head, so for her not to get dust or dirt in her hair. The body is also not literally written in the Koran, but based on history. Saudi Arabia is geographically one of the hottest countries on the planet. With temperatures around 120 F (50 ° C) in summer, it makes sense that people like to wear less clothing. And since women have no right, imagine that would come to save a woman in the case of a sex crime? Accurate: No! To protect women from the Koran shows that women have to cover the space between their shoulders, which means that their cleavage products, and should not show their body jewelry. Now you will probably ask (At that time, women would wear the ankle bracelet with charms bell, which would make a huge noise when walking.): Why do so many women wear the hijab or the burqa?
First, let's look at Iran. Iran is the only country where women wear the veil in different ways than in other Islamic countries. In Afghanistan, the Taliban, women were forced to wear a burka, Saudi Arabia, which also carry a burka, which seems different from Afghanistan. In conclusion we can say that the different understanding of the Koranic word for "cover your neck" is based on the geographical location of countries that practice. In women, pre-Islamic Iran had something like "Greek dress", a simple dress with a shawl on the back. The shawl became the head cover. In Saudi Arabia, people do not want the commitment and cover the whole woman. See the difference? Islam is not to say that women should wear traditional source countries to adapt their lifestyles to their understanding of the Islamic way of life. The second question I usually ask is the famous Islamic Declaration, why men can have four wives, and they degrade women. First, the Koran does not say that any man can have four wives. There are many conditions of this statement: First, man must be financially sound, you must have permission from his first wife, and above all must be some reasons to support it. For example, if your wife is sick, or she can not have children (see the difference in pre-Islam, the Koran makes no distinction between the sexes), and especially to treat everyone equally. [[4.3] And if you fear not act equitably towards orphans, then marry women as seem good to you, two and three and four, but if you're afraid it will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one or what your right hands possess, that is more appropriate, you can not give way to the] right in the case of n 'no, none of the women could seek divorce ..
I think it explains everything! I can not even deal with two pairs of shoes in the same way! How it will be possible to treat the women exactly the same thing? Therefore, one can see that the Quran, it is very difficult for men to take advantage of the rule. But before closing this chapter, I will explain why it is written in the book at all. Again, it has reasons to protect women. At some point in history, women have not been able to work where the company would treat a widow wrong, or if a woman who does not favor men were seen as an easy target, a man who was economically sound and therefore unable to support it, was allowed to have a second wife. It was also the Islamic way of keeping women away from prostitution.I could go on and on and give you more samples. But to conclude, I would say that Islam gives women many rights. Unfortunately, about 80% of Muslims are illiterate, and that the amount of more than half are women. Some people may take advantage of their illiteracy, saying that anything can be done with them, they should obey, because it is an Islamic way. Traditions of the countries do not want women to be able to read and write to read the Koran and to be able to defend themselves according to Islamic rules. Unfortunately, recent political developments and the involvement of terrorists in the name of Islam, to put in a bad light is a religion that was supposed to bring people together and to give women's rights. Personally, it makes me very sad and shocked to discover how people who do not understand anything about Islam, and the act tries to explain their non-Islamic act under the guise of religion. Islam is probably the wrong religion, and as long as people do not want to discover the true foundation of Islam, people like me continue to tell others about the importance of Islamic rules, in order to reveal the non-Islamic act, in some countries.
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