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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Holy Month Of Ramadan - A Call To Muslims

The blessing came back months. This is the month of happiness and many blessings and rewards unlimited to all Muslims of the world from our Almighty God. It is the emergence of a month, which is filled with immeasurable blessings of thirty days, which requires a Muslim to observe one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting. This month gives all Muslims to refrain from evil acts and to develop good habits in them.Life is full of challenge and confront us on a regular basis. But Islam has given us a wealth of Ramadan to meet the challenges with courage and confidence. If this blessed month brings a chance for Muslims to change their habits and develop good deeds, but also provides an opportunity to ask for forgiveness.According to the gate of heaven Allah has opened the doors of Hell are closed and the devils are chained in this month. Our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

"When the first night of Ramadan comes, the devils and jinn are chained rebel, the gates of Hell are closed and no one is open, the gates of Paradise are opened and not one of them closed, and a crier calls "You, you want what is good, running, and you wish to withdraw from evil." Some were released from hell by God, and this happens every night. "(Tirmidhi). Another proposal in this month is the act of fasting, which was established during the second year of the Hegira. Fasting is obligatory for all Muslims. Fasting develops skills of self-control and self-control in an individual that no fasting should not only refrain from eating and drinking, but he / she must also abstain from many things: slander, gossip, evil acts, using abusive language etc.

The Prophet said: "He who does not give up false statements (ie telling lies), and evil deeds, and speaking bad words to others, Allah does not need his ( fasting) leaving his food and drink "(Bukhari).Observance of fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. The experience of fasting is supposed to teach Muslims self-discipline and self-control and little understanding of the situation of the less privileged (eg, hunger, thirst and poor). In addition, the fast of Ramadan is not only disciplining the body to refrain from eating and drinking from before sunrise to sunset but also the exercise of control over the mind. This involves holding anger, doing good deeds, exercising discipline, and prepares to serve as a good Muslim and a good person. Fasting during Ramadan is prescribed for every healthy adult Muslim, while the weak, the sick, children, travelers and menstruating women are among those exempted. Muslims observing the fast is necessary to not only refrain from eating food or drinking water, but also by ingestion of oral medications and intravenous fluids intravenous feeding.The purpose of fasting is to attain spiritual happiness beyond material comfort and explore a real sense of happiness within us. This month is a holy month and gives a message to be pious to be closer to God.

In the Qur'an, God says:

O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, even if it was prescribed for those before you, that will ward off (evil) (2:183).Fasting is an activity in which we are told, is a shield for us when we need it most.

Apostle of Allah said:

"Fasting is a shield or protection from fire and from committing sins" (Bukhari).Ramadan is the month when all Muslims should have to pay their annual Zakat he / she deserves. Pay the zakat is obligatory in Islam and everyone must follow the strict procedure. Care for poor parents, neighbors and other disadvantaged people is also prescribed to Muslims in the form of zakat. A small portion of wealth left accumulated in previous years, to be distributed among the deserving people and to create a sense of gratitude for the rich against the Almighty, and yet a sense of satisfaction among the less privileged in the sense of the Almighty, and a sense of brotherhood with the giver of charity.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

There Zakat is used for everything, and zakat of the body is set" (Tirmidhi).Fasting is also meet with the Muslims, the spirit of charity. Abstaining from food and drink to give first-hand experience in a better position than the less fortunate have to endure throughout the year. Accordingly, encourages us to donate more to charity and to give wealth to those who can not afford the same they are doing.

Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Whoever gives to one who has fasted something to break his fast, or a combat team will have a reward equal to him" (Tirmidhi). Fasting is a pure worship. The fact that he refrains from eating and drinking in public and in secret, shows the sincere faith and strong love of God, and his knowledge and feeling that God is omniscient all. For this reason, God has made the reward of fasting than that of any other cult. Fasting promotes the passions of patience, humility and a sense of submission to the Creator. Other prayers and recitation of Quran and regular prayers are rewarded manifold. The main virtue of fasting is that it is an act based on pure love and devotion to God and there is an iota of entertainment and display of piety in him. The act of fasting is completely hidden from view of people and it is a moral training for the year ahead. Achieving Taqwa is one of the most important wisdom of fasting. Fasting brings Taqwa is because it reduces the desire of the stomach and mutes the sexual appetite. Whoever fasts often wants to remove two more. Adopted by willpower and acquiring patience. We should fear Allah and obey his every order during this month. Fasting is never done for any material or worldly gain. Fasting is especially for spiritual elevation. He developed "Taqwa" Muslims. The Prophet (PBUH) called the month of Ramadan patience, because it increases the desire to control his thirst and selfishness of his soul. This training allows him to be strong following the orders of Allah.Yet another blessing of this month is that any good deed done in it, whether it is good to others or reciting the Qur'an, caused a greater weight of blessings .The Prophet said: "(God says about the fasting person) He left his food, drink and desires for My sake. Fasting is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times" (Bukhari) . He had been told of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Ami, Ami, Ami." He said, "The Messenger of Allah, took the minibar and said:" Amin, Amin, Amin. "He said," Jibrael (peace be upon him) came to me and said: ".. Whoever witnesses the month of Ramadan and forgive, and goes to Hell, Allah will throw out Say Ameen" So I said Amin . Another factor that distinguishes the month of Ramadan, is the advent of the Night of Power or Lailat ul-Qadr. The Night of Power is said to be one in which God wrote the decree of creation. In verses three to five 5 of Surah Al-Qadr, Allah says:
Night of Power is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein, that the permission of their Lord, all the settings. (This night is) Peace until the rising dawn. Ramadan is an opportunity to catch up all year in the work of others and turn to God and ask forgiveness for sins committed throughout the year, and finally, an opportunity to improve life in waiting in the afterlife . It offers every Muslim an opportunity to strengthen its Emaan, purify his heart and soul, and eliminate the harmful effects of the sins committed by him. Anyone who has looked after the spiritual duties to the Creator and creation, and created a task order for this month, has every right to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr, the culmination of a successful day, but certainly not before Fitra to pay, required simple gesture of kindness toward the poor so they can enjoy a holy day.Children should be encouraged to begin fasting at an early age to start the regiment and inspire desire.Common mistakes committed during Ramadan

Binge: Ramadan should be a time to avoid unnecessary, and learn to be prepared to defend in bad times, distinguishing the needs of luxury. Unfortunately, many people go beyond their limits to spend during Ramadan, whether they are varieties of food they like every night, or other types of expenditure.Stay awake all night and sleep during the day: Meditation for the elevation soul can not be practiced in the month of Ramadan with determination. Some people sleep during most of the day when they are fasting otherwise engage in activities. Ramadan is a time to be lazy. In addition, some spend most of the night to engage in eating and drinking and socializing. Reading the Koran too fast: Some insist on finishing the whole Qur'an once or more, even if they have to read very quickly. Although reading the Qur'an, it is often desirable, it should not be done quickly, especially during the Tarawih prayer without thinking about its meaning.

Overeating: This month we give a message to carry to the poor and needy. Fill your appetite more than necessary is not the mandate of Ramadan. There are few people who eat too much during the month of Ramadan. It is seen that people eat more during Ramadan than any other month. But only Allah is pleased with those who eat more or less, and charity in this month. No need to spend too much Iftaa amount of food (food consumed in the period immediately after sunset to break), dinner, or Saher (usually a light meal eaten about half an hour to an hour before sunrise ). There are two reasons for this. The first and most important, as a way of life contrast with the main objectives and the spirit of Ramadan. Overeating can be seen as a reflection of weak discipline and irresponsibility. Secondly, the body has regulatory mechanisms that reduce the metabolism and to ensure the efficient utilization of fat. In addition, most people assume that more sedentary fast. The end result is that a balanced diet, which consists of less than normal amount of food is enough to keep a person healthy and active during the month of Ramadan. We must pray for Allah's forgiveness, because we have broken so many rules and conventions and obeyed his orders during the year.
Ramadan is meant for spiritual development through fasting. Physiologically by fasting the body eliminates toxins efficiently and the mind becomes clear to the "mind power" so you can reflect on the meaning of the Koran, the Hadith and the necessity of Zikr. We must also do something something self-assessments to monitor and correct their behavior if necessary. With meditation, the mind becomes calm, and so should our language!

This is the month to renew our commitment to restore our relationship with our Creator. This is the spring season for goodness and virtues of the flowers, when justice in Muslim communities. This month brings a message to follow the equality and brotherhood and to improve the positive image of Islam. For all of us who never hurt anyone's heart to seek forgiveness from the person, because it is a rule of nature that nothing is worse than just bad people and apologize to no one can heal the heart. According to our holy prophet is the only one that has no forgiveness of Allah for hurting people. That's why I pray to Allah for all Muslim brothers and sisters, what can he give us a sense of understanding of our religion. May He shows us the right way forward. God help us all to make this dish in Ramadan fast and intercessor in the grave. Allah guide us to make this Ramadan a source to collect a series of blessings and take our sins great and small. Allah guide us on the right track and help us to understand the true essence of Islam and the purpose of life. Allah will bring good luck and shower his blessing and hope. Ameen.


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